thanks to chatgpt, it bring me a good way to improve my english skill and it is completely free.


firstly, i highly recommand ogden’s basic english , it provide a very simple way to write or speak english correctly and clearly. according to this book, you don’t require to memorize over seven thousand words for good expression, it is only 850 words.

basic english has sixteen core operators, it includes make, have, put, take, keep, let, get, give, send, go, come, be, seem, do, say and see. these operators combine with nouns, adjs and advs, you can express most of actions and activities.


i write an english diary, every day, without word count requirement. i write down noticeable things from my life, no matter how small and dry they are. if i meet an unfamiliar verb, i try to express it using basic english, this method works well and boosts my confidence. i only look up for noun and adj in dictionary.

once i have completed my diary, i send it to chatgpt and ask it to act as an english improver. the chatgpt give back an improved text, i study the difference between the former and the later, learn them and use of them in my next diaries.

this has been my most important improvement in english skill so far.


i engage in more and more reading and listening. i read CNBC every day, i seek more blogs of funny to read. i set a task to listen at least one english audio per day. i still always work hard on enlarging my vocabulary.